The Sacco offers the following modes of payments;
- Go to the Mpesa Menu
- Select Lipa na M-PESA
- Select Pay Bill |
- Enter Business Number‘540700’
- Under Account number – Enter Your Membership Number + Transaction Code
- For Deposits; key in ‘DEP’ at the end of your Membership Number (e.g. MHS*****DEP)
- For Share Capital key in ‘SCP’ at the end of your Membership Number (e.g. MHS*****SCP)
- For Child Scheme Account, Key in ‘CHS’ at the end of your Membership Number (e.g. CHS*****CHS)
- For Insurance Premiums, Key in ‘INS’at the end of your Membership Number (e.g MHS*****INS)
- To preload your Mhasibu M-Sacco Utility Account, Key in ‘MSD’ at the end of your Membership number (e.g. MHS*****MSD)
- To repay Mobi Instant Loan key in ‘MBL’(e.g. MHS*****MBL)
- To repay Normal Loan key in ‘NOL’(e.g. MHS*****NOL)
- To repay Swift Loan key in ‘SWL‘ (e.g. MHS*****SWL)
- To repay Asset Loan key in ‘AST‘ (e.g. MHS*****AST)
- To repay Restructure Loan key in ‘RST‘ (e.g. MHS*****RST)
- To repay Normal Top up Loan key in ‘NTP‘ (e.g. MHS*****NTP)
- To repay Repurchase Loan key in ‘RPL’ (e.g. MHS*****RPL)
- To repay Gold Loan key in ‘GLD’ (e.g. MHS*****GLD)
- To repay Gold Repurchase Loan key in ‘GRL‘ (e.g. MHS*****GRL)
- To repay Gold Top up Loan key in ‘GTP‘ (e.g. MHS*****GTP)