Deposit Contribution ?
Master the rule of financial wellness! Saving money may not feel like your strong suit. It’s easy to get off track and save less than you intended when you’re not consistently saving a portion of every paycheck. But that doesn’t mean you can’t get ahead of the savings game. Automating your savings could be just what you need to get your finances in tip-top shape to ensure you reach your savings goals.
The Deposit account allow members to make a monthly contribution towards the Sacco.
- Minimum contribution per member per month is KES 1,600.
- Upon exit from the Sacco , the member can withdraw the savings only if there is no outstanding or guaranteed loan.
- A member is not limited to how much to save.
- A member can borrow against their deposit contribution.(Self guaranteed)
- Member can borrow up to 4 times their total deposit.
About Risk Fund ?
- Every member is required to pay KES 1,200 per Annum.
Why Pay Risk Fund?
- In case of death or disability of a registered member, an active loan is cleared by the insurance company.
- The next of kin is refunded 200% of the contributed deposits.
- A last expense of KES 150,000 is paid towards the burial arrangement.
Failure to pay the risk fund by the end of the year will lead to an automatic deduction from your deposit.
Payments Via M-Pesa
- Go to the M-Pesa Menu
- Select Lipa na M-PESA
- Select Pay Bill |
- Enter Business Number‘540700’
- Under Account number – Enter Your Membership Number + transaction code
For Deposits; key in ‘DEP’ at the end of your Membership Number (e.g. MHS*****DEP)
- For Share Capital key in ‘SCP’ at the end of your Membership Number (e.g. MHS*****SCP)
- For Child Scheme Account, Key in ‘CHS’ at the end of your Membership Number (e.g. CHS*****CHS)
- For Insurance Premiums, Key in ‘INS’at the end of your Membership Number (e.g MHS*****INS)
- To preload your Mhasibu M-Sacco Utility Account, Key in ‘MSD’ at the end of your Membership number (e.g. MHS*****MSD)